We are offering $250 pricing to qualified drivers to attend the Women with Drive - Driven by Mobil 1 summit. Once you complete and submit your application, a driver discount code will be sent to you to register.
This year, the Summit has added driver workshops to address essential skills off the track that will help develop a driver's overall career. These sessions are open to not only drivers but their parents, agents, and managers as well.
The workshop topics are as follows:
The Importance of Good Communication Skills
Business etiquette, people skills, dig your well before you’re thirsty, how do you create a plan? How to maximize your opportunities? (Includes how to network)
The Mindset of a Champion
Your mindset is critical to not only performance in the race car but all the time. Where your focus is 24/7 is what brings results when it counts. There is no “off” time in racing.
The Business of Racing – How to Put it Together
Let’s talk about sponsorship, media, public speaking, social media, image, interviews, do’s and don’ts of photography, etc.